• Skittles Sorter

    I typically eat Skittles in a very specific and ordered way. Least favorite to favorite, one bite (2 Skittles) at a time. Why not build an app that can duplicate it?

    It was a bit harder than I expected, but was a good learning exercise.

  • Circuit Trainer

    I’ve been learning Python recently. I built a command line app to help with circuit workouts.

    It asks you to enter:

    • The exercises to be done.
    • The number of circuits.
    • The length of the break between circuits.
    • A minimum and maximum number of reps for each set.

    From there the program does the following:

    • Tells you each set to perform with the number of reps being a random selection within the minimum and maximum.
    • Gives you a countdown for each break.
    • Gives you a summary at the end. (Since I keep track of all my workouts, this allows me to easily copy and paste it into my notes.)
  • Free Throw Tracker

    1. We have a lot of extra time.
    2. We can’t go anywhere.
    3. I have a hoop in the driveway.

    That means it is time to work on my game. And since I’ll be playing alone I decided to work on my free throws.

    To keep track of my progress I built a no-code app using Glide Apps. It gives me an easy way to enter my makes and attempts, and keeps track of my overall progress.

    My goal is to get to 75%.


    Overview of stats
    A tracker for entering data each time I shoot
  • Hat Hunt

    The Note

    Every night I go to my home.
    When your dad wears his hat he looks like a gnome.
    When I wear my hat I look like an elf.
    But without my hat I don’t feel like myself.
    I lost my hat, all pointy and red.
    I need your help so I can cover my head.
    Take this clue. Find my chapeau.
    If you find it there is a reward for Charlotte, Violet, and Chlo.

    The Clues

    The evergreen with lights is such a beauty.
    I love to climb in the _________ _____.

    What do I like with my hot cocoa?
    A fluffy, white ___________.

    Playing games is one of my favorite things to do.
    The best is a ‘who done it’ called ________.

    Go for a swim or catch a fish.
    Down by the _____ is a step closer to my wish.

    I see you own Goonies. I like that movie a lot.
    They find a dead explorer named Chester ___________.

    Complete the hunt and join the club.
    I hope that you find my hat in the _____.

    This must be it! My favorite season is winter.
    Surely it is hiding under the _______.