• Skittles Sorter

    I typically eat Skittles in a very specific and ordered way. Least favorite to favorite, one bite (2 Skittles) at a time. Why not build an app that can duplicate it?

    It was a bit harder than I expected, but was a good learning exercise.

  • Circuit Trainer

    I’ve been learning Python recently. I built a command line app to help with circuit workouts.

    It asks you to enter:

    • The exercises to be done.
    • The number of circuits.
    • The length of the break between circuits.
    • A minimum and maximum number of reps for each set.

    From there the program does the following:

    • Tells you each set to perform with the number of reps being a random selection within the minimum and maximum.
    • Gives you a countdown for each break.
    • Gives you a summary at the end. (Since I keep track of all my workouts, this allows me to easily copy and paste it into my notes.)